          回覆:神的預知 #191 Therefore, I am advising you to learn the lesson from that sucking USA evilest criminal government form; to have your China Communist force own your entire Mainland 買房子 China, so that all your public construction must solely built up by them, every plants planted inside your Mainland China must belong to them; your public workers must elected by your own China Communist Party members f 有巢氏房屋ed by your China Communist Force, the public workers duty is to manage all public buildings and govern the rest of the human form inside your land that not belong to your China Communist force. Your currency must made by your China Commun 濾桶ist force instead by your public organization, because public workers must in a position to help the human form under your watch instead of acting like "Golf.Ren.1.Done" that how China Communist said "5.產.Jade.G.專政" really means. You need to kill any rich and famo 租屋網us who own any property inside your Mainland China, then take over what they left behind. You dare kill powerless people in Tibet for the sake of entire China, you must have no problem to kill those rich and famous linked to and slaved under the superpowerful sucking USA evilest c 室內裝潢rimianl public gangs in order to make sure you can get any hope to help your entire Chinese to get decent human life again.You need to learn lesson from Nazi (Yes, those Nazi film showed in front of your ears or eyes, most likely was the "Huang.Whore" gangsters grouped liars <Therefore, when you know those " 花蓮民宿Huang.Whore" gangsters grouped liars wearing your uniform to committed the crime to kill powerless helpless civilians, if you have no way to kill them personally, you have to nuclear that entire area to make sure no liars can have the room to enlarge the lies. >like Bill Clinton Obama Condi Rice Hillary Clinton Angus Tung 西服JungShiauLin 周治平 孫國慶 done; that's why you must have no right to try any Nazi members, any court tried Nazi members must mean that court committed Chinese said "做賊喊捉賊" crime or crimes, anyone who own fire arms must have to do the duty to kill that or those sucking Court or Courts.)  that when you have government form dividin 酒店經紀g you from civilians, you must not kill any powerless helpless civilian  before you kill all your sick weak wicked public workers; that's why you need to give every your civilian male the right to use fire arms to kill each other at their own individual mind or mad, no matter that male is criminal or hero so that to make up your uniformed force soft s 室內設計pot that takes away your righteous guts to kill powerless evil doers underground chained slavery terrors hiding inside your people that linked and slaved by your public powerful evil doers that occupied your public office on purposely to finish your entire nation invisibly. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店工作  .

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